Vision, Mission, Mandate & Legal Bases

Legal Bases
Presidential Decree No. 603 a.k.a “The Child and Youth Welfare Code” (Dec. 10, 1974)
created the Council for the Welfare of Children under the Office of the President
Executive Order No. 708 (July 27, 1981) reorganized the Office of the President and placed
the Council for the Welfare of Children under the Department of Social Welfare and
Executive Order No. 233 (July 22, 1987) redefined the role and organizational structure of
the Council for the Welfare of Children, enlarged its membership to include a youth
representative to the CWC Council Board
Republic Act No. 8980 a.k.a “The Early Childhood Care and Development Act (December 5,
2000) designated the Council for the Welfare of Children also as the National ECCD
Coordinating Council and as an attached agency to the Office of the President
Executive Order Act No. 349 (August 17, 2004) established clear lines of authority over the
CWC/ NECCDCC Secretariat. DepEd Secretary to exercise primary oversight functions
over the DED for NECCDC. DSWD Secretary to exercise primary oversight functions over
Executive Order No. 630 (June 28, 2007) transferred back the Council for the Welfare of
Children from the Office of the President to the Department of Social Welfare and
Executive Order No. 760 (October 23, 2008) transferred the CWC/NECCDCC from
Department of Social Welfare and Development to the Office of the President with a
Chairperson to be appointed by the President
Executive Order No. 778 (January 13, 2009) transformed the CWC into the ECCD Council,
attached to the Office of the President. The functions and staff of CWC which are not part of
ECCD are transferred to DSWD
Executive Order No. 806 (June 9, 2009) affirmed that CWC shall continue to function and
exercise the same powers pursuant to the provisions of PD 603 and EO 233 and attached